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Welcome to the Michigan Alliance for Environmental and Outdoor Education

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Join a MAEOE Committee

Committee members are the driving force behind all that MAEOE does. With your help, MAEOE can further its mission and connect our members to great resources, collaboration and opportunities.

If you are interested in joining a committee, please contact the committee chair listed below.

Co-Chairs: Becky Durling and Tracy Page 

MAEOE is proud to host an award presentation at the conference each year, recognizing excellence in EE and OE. Committee members review grant criteria, score applications and present awards at the conference.

Climate Education
Chair: Bridget Booth

The Climate Education Committee works in collaboration with the Michigan Climate Action Network to advance and advocate for climate change education throughout the state through the curation and delivery of resources and development of training opportunities for educators.


The Conference Committee is responsible for determining and solidifying the conference location and details. The committee develops the conference budget, oversees publicity, solicits and selects presenters, and directs the planning and implementation of the conference.

Chair: Samantha Lichtenwald

The Education Committee is dedicated to fostering environmental literacy and promoting environmental stewardship through education. We support EOE educators with curriculum resources, professional development opportunities, collaboration, partnership, and networking.

Environmental Educator Certification (EEC)
Chair: Cindy Fitzwilliams-Heck

EEC Committee members are certified environmental educators who work together to mentor and evaluate EEC program participants; and to help present, promote, and update program initiatives.

Chair: Meag Schwartz

The Finance Committee provides assistance to the Treasurer with MAEOE’s finances and fundraising. Oversees the role of the bookkeeper, reviews quarterly and year-end financial reports, explores revenues, generates events/ideas, and monitors the financial health of the organization.

Co-Chairs: Becky Durling and Tracy Page

The Grant Committee facilitates the applications, scoring and distribution of MAEOE Mini Grants for EE and OE. There are two grant cycles a year needing review in March and September. 

Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility
Co-Chairs: D'Nae Hearn and Aja Edwards

The Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Committee ensures that barriers to EOE opportunities, such as professional development, educational resources, conference offerings, MAEOE meetups, etc., are addressed to provide an equitable environment for all.

Marketing and Communications
Chair: Tracy Page

The Marketing and Communications Committee utilizes MAEOE's website, MAEOEgram, MAEOE listserv, print materials, and MAEOE social media accounts to support the sharing of resources, experiences, ideas, contacts, and learning opportunities with professionals, peers, and friends to support MAEOE’s mission.

Chair: Claudia Foerg

The Membership Committee monitors MAEOE's membership in terms of growth and demographics, seeks initiatives to improve membership growth and diversity and solicits member input on the organization's direction to provide valuable benefits to all members.

P.O. Box 27426
Lansing, MI 48909

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