Welcome to the Michigan Alliance for Environmental and Outdoor Education |
Board of Directors, Board Advisors and Staff |
Scroll down to meet the people that help make MAEOE grow. Or click the link below to jump to a section. |
The MAEOE Board of Directors is a member-elected body. Members elect Directors-at-Large at the Annual Conference each fall. The Board then votes to select Directors to serve as Executive Officers at their annual retreat. Interested in joining the MAEOE Board of Directors? Board candidates should: |
Be a current member Only current MAEOE members are eligible to fill open board positions. All applicants must be members in "good standing." | Dedicate time to be involved
| Have previous committee experience Committee work is how things get done inside of MAEOE. This is a critical part of our organization. To make sure we have applicants who are up to the task, we suggest all candidates should have served on at least one committee in the past 5 years. | Apply to run for a board position Board applications will be announced via the listserv and social media each summer. Voting is held concurrently with the conference each fall. |