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2025 Board Priorities:

This one year plan focuses on the priority items to be completed in 2025, with the intention to create a new 5 year strategic plan to be implemented starting in 2026.  This priority list is in addition to ongoing operational tasks and committee efforts and is subject to change.

MAEOE’s Vision:  

A thriving network of educators fostering meaningful experiences that evoke positive change in our environment. 

MAEOE’s Mission:  

Support, inspire and empower a diverse network of individuals with a passion for environmental and outdoor learning.

MAEOE’s Core Values:

  • We value advocacy for environmental stewardship and education.
  • We value justice, equity, diversity, and inclusiveness in all that we do.
  • We value collaboration and partnerships.
  • We value organizational effectiveness and are committed to continual improvement.

Environmental Literacy  

Possessing the basic ecological awareness, understanding and skills to have the ability to make informed decisions and to choose actions that lead to the least amount of detrimental effects on the environment.

An environmentally literate person:

  • Has an awareness and concern about the total environment.
  • Possesses the knowledge necessary to understand both the environment as a system and the role humans play as a component of the system.
  • Perceives how the development of human technology has the ability to degrade and/or protect the environment.
  • Applies their awareness and knowledge in assessing the environmental consequences of their actions, individually and collectively, before and after actions are taken, and resolves problems caused by their own actions or the actions of others.

P.O. Box 27426
Lansing, MI 48909 

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